Froggy Girl Designs

A glimpse into my daily life of crafting, frugal living, and being a mom!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

7 Random Things about me...

That you may or may not want to know:
1. Getting up at 6am is not my idea of a good time-but Wyatt and hubby conspired against me this morning, so I made hubby breakfast before he left and made him turn on the furnace.
2. Yes, I'm a winter weenie. I hate the cold but so far, convincing my husband that a move to a more southern climate is a good idea hasn't worked.
3. I've sang in Carnegie Hall, the San Antonio Astrodome and various other arenas starting in my freshman year in highschool (gasp, 14 years ago!).
4. My dream was to be a singer when I got out of highschool.
5. I became a wife and mother instead.
6. Now I only sing in the car or silly songs with my kids.
7. I suffer from chronic depression, and anxiety becomes more of an issue the older I get-I've had panic attacks during the birth of my youngest two children.

Pretty boring huh? But Noodle tagged me, and what Noodle wants Noodle gets! The kids are up now and ready for breakfast so it's time to put on my mommy hat. Have a wonderful day ya'll!

Oh wait, tags: Hmm....Ema, Lera, Angie (I lost your link! Post it in the comments for me?), Hunnybunny and um, those are the only readers of my blog I if you're lurking, drop me a line and let me know!!!!!! Oh, and then consider yourself tagged!


  • At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think this a GREAT WEB site. I have seen some of Mika's work first hand and she is GREAT!!! She makes these things called seek and find quilts and they are sooo cute. The baby has all kinds of hand made receiving blankets. Bibs and everything and all the other things come out so good. I also know Mika on a personal level and she is some kind of gal. how she juggles home and kids and now this is amazing. What a person. I know I am blessed just to know her. Her husband is currently activated in the army and she is doing it all on her own. Support our troops and your supporting Mika.

  • At 4:40 PM, Blogger lera said…

    That's a great list. I'll have to see if I can come up with another list of random things about myself. Having just done the list for my birthday 2 weeks ago, I might be low on the creativity :-)


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