It's a big month-NaBloPoMo and 30 day Organizational Challenge
One side of my cutting table.
Yes, it's official I have lost my ever loving mind. Not only have I signed on for NaBloPoMo which means I'll be making it a mission to post every single day in November, I have also signed on with OrgJunkie's 30-day Organizational Challenge. We'll see how close I come to succeeding at either.
The center of my cutting table.
The 30-Day Challenge comes at a great time for me. See, our house has electrical "issues". It was built before grounding outlets was the norm I guess (I have little to no electrical knowledge), so we have areas that just don't work right. We're trying to get our landlords to fix it, but they understandably are reticent to completely overhaul the electrical system of the house for as cheap as it rents. So, anyway, back to my point....the room I've been using as my sewing room doesn't have electricity working in it at all. We've rigged a light over my cutting table and I've been using our second living room to actually sew in. It also doubles as our dining room, and then when my aunt passed away and I inherited a bunch of her stuff, it also became a dumping ground for that stuff that I need to go through, sort, and organize.
This is half the room.
My goal at the end of the 30-Day Challenge is to transform the front room into my official sewing room, or at least have it organized enough that we're closer to that happening, as well as organizing my cutting table. And I am posting before pictures, but please don't judge. Gosh I am so embarassed! I didn't even vacuum before taking these, so forgive the crumbs on the floor! I've definitely got my work cut out for me!
Now, if you've made it this far...don't forget to enter the giveaway!!! I'm closing it on Saturday so keep em coming!
Yes, it's official I have lost my ever loving mind. Not only have I signed on for NaBloPoMo which means I'll be making it a mission to post every single day in November, I have also signed on with OrgJunkie's 30-day Organizational Challenge. We'll see how close I come to succeeding at either.
The center of my cutting table.
The 30-Day Challenge comes at a great time for me. See, our house has electrical "issues". It was built before grounding outlets was the norm I guess (I have little to no electrical knowledge), so we have areas that just don't work right. We're trying to get our landlords to fix it, but they understandably are reticent to completely overhaul the electrical system of the house for as cheap as it rents. So, anyway, back to my point....the room I've been using as my sewing room doesn't have electricity working in it at all. We've rigged a light over my cutting table and I've been using our second living room to actually sew in. It also doubles as our dining room, and then when my aunt passed away and I inherited a bunch of her stuff, it also became a dumping ground for that stuff that I need to go through, sort, and organize.
This is half the room.
My goal at the end of the 30-Day Challenge is to transform the front room into my official sewing room, or at least have it organized enough that we're closer to that happening, as well as organizing my cutting table. And I am posting before pictures, but please don't judge. Gosh I am so embarassed! I didn't even vacuum before taking these, so forgive the crumbs on the floor! I've definitely got my work cut out for me!
Now, if you've made it this far...don't forget to enter the giveaway!!! I'm closing it on Saturday so keep em coming!
At 4:04 PM, twoluvcats said…
yippeeeeeee, so glad we are in this together >:D< I didn't commit to the small space one yet, but i still might. :)
At 5:52 PM, Oonie said…
Hey, I'm doing both too--good luck on everything we have before us!
I'm just hoping to make it to day 7. :-)
At 2:10 PM, Dawn said…
You've got a lot to do, but it will be so nice when it's done. Good luck.
At 10:46 PM, Unknown said…
I believe you can do it! And think how much more you'll be able to create with an organized space?!Good luck.
At 11:27 AM, Gretchen said…
No electricity! That's just not too cool... and I thought the no phone line in our front room was bad!! Good luck figuring it all out during the month! It'll be great to finish, right?!
At 8:33 PM, Laura said…
Great space! You definitely have some challenges there but how wonderful will it be when you complete it. I can't wait!!! I'll be posting another Mr. Linky on Friday for updates.
Thanks for joining in!
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