Froggy Girl Designs

A glimpse into my daily life of crafting, frugal living, and being a mom!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

G is for groceries and grandparents

Mom & Dad with Wyatt 6/07

G is for groceries and grandparents

Groceries are something we all need. So saving money on them is something that I try very hard to do. Our budget for our family of now 6 is about $200 a month. That includes all food, health and beauty, toilet paper, diapers and the like. Some months we go over if we have a big stock up on something, or the sales aren't real great, etc. but we average out to $200. We have a significant stockpile of groceries, I would post pictures but ya'll would think I'm some kind of freak! A few months ago, my husband was out of work for about 2 months. That time was exactly why I stockpile. We were able to spend less than $50 on groceries each of those months, and that was only milk and bread. We had some creative meals at times, but we were all well fed because of my stockpile. I think everyone should have some backlog of food, because emergencies happen and it definitely helps! parents are simply awesome. They raised me well (at least I think so!), to be kind and loving and conscientious of people in my life. They are wonderful with my children, they frequently take my oldest two boys for the weekend so the boys can go swimming, fishing, or whatever. My mom suffers from lupus (insert link) along with myriad other difficulties, so things are hard sometimes with the boys. But we are all committed to making sure the boys not only remember their grandparents, but remember them fondly, with lots of great memories. I am thankful every day for my parents, and the influence they have had on my, and my children's, life.


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