Froggy Girl Designs

A glimpse into my daily life of crafting, frugal living, and being a mom!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bzzz Agent-Product Testing

Do you know how to Bzzz? You already probably do it everyday talking to your friends and relatives. I found this site awhile ago called  Bzzz-ing is about word of mouth advertising. Think about it-you use a new product or service, and you like it (or don't), so you tell your friends about it. That's passing along the word about something. Companies are using bzzz agent to get the word out about their new products.

Over the past year or so that I've been signed up with them, I've bzzed about things like Ice Mountain Aquapods bottled water, TV Guide , and right now I'm still doing the TV Guide campaign and Listerine Whitestrips , along with Ziploc Steam N Fresh bags . I'll be posting reviews on these products shortly, so keep your eyes out for my take on some great new products...the good, the bad and the ugly!

The only compensation you get as a BzzAgent are the products you try to Bzz about, as well as points from the reports you give back on the products. Those points can then be traded in for prizes (although I never have yet, don't have enough points lol). It's a really cool way to try some new products, I don't know about you, but I LOVE doing product tests and things for survey companies and the like. Check it out!


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