Froggy Girl Designs

A glimpse into my daily life of crafting, frugal living, and being a mom!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Running with your creativity

I was supposed to go to an open sew day at the local sewing machine shop today, but I couldn't do it. We lost Lucky this morning, and I was SO sad and so broken hearted, I just couldn't expose other people to my misery. I'm still sad, but I really don't want to dwell on it. We loved the kittens, and did everything we could, but God has his plan right? So I resolved to spend my day doing what makes me happy after Bobby spent a good hour trying to do everything he could to cheer me up. So I took stock of all my "to-sews". I have a block swap I'm late on, and have been working on all week, and I finished about half of what I needed to do for those. This is a sampling of blocks that were supposed to be mailed by the first, but in my head it was the 31st...oops! Luckily all the ladies are very understanding and kind!

I also worked on another swap that I KNOW is due the 31st, and made it about halfway through those as well. I don't have pics of any of that, because I had to spend a very long time with my seam ripper after figuring out I had sewn all the blocks upside down. After that, I took a break and worked on "me" stuff. Not things for myself, but projects I've been working on for various other things. I finally figured out what to do with the little clown embroidery from the other day. This just makes me smile. I have no idea what to do with it, but I love it. Pincushion maybe?

Then I had Bobby nail up my "design wall" (a flannel backed tablecloth I got for a buck on clearance!) so I could lay out some quilt blocks. The woman who runs his unit's Family Readiness Group is wonderful. She has a very aggressive form of Lou Gehrig's Disease, and spends the bulk of her time in a wheelchair. Despite all her struggles, she is one of the most enjoyable people I know. She will do anything for anyone, always has a smile and a kind word for everyone, just all around a huge heart. So, I took the string blocks I've received from the above swap and started a quilt for her. I'm wanting something big enough to cuddle in, but small enough to use on her lap in her chair, so this will end up about throw sized. I didn't get far, but just enough to know it's going to be perfect. Goal date to finish? December 1st...the unit Christmas party which is the day before all of our husband's take off on TDY for 4 months.

The rest of the evening was spent working on an apron that I am SO excited about. Remember this charm pack? It's been sitting on my cutting table for months just looking gorgeous. I haven't been able to bring myself to do anything with it because it was so pretty. Well, a few days ago I started playing around with things, and hopefully tomorrow I'll have a finished product to show off.

Man I've been wordy the last few point today is this though. Everything happens for a reason, no matter how heartbreaking, so embrace your life hardships and all. I am going to bed tonight with light in my heart. I had a day when I could just feel my creative juices flowing and I ran with it. My one year wedding anniversary is tomorrow and I have an amazing husband, 4 gorgeous little boys, a roof over my head, food in my belly, and animals that I love as well. I am blessed.


  • At 1:36 AM, Blogger Noodle said…

    Aw, I'm so sorry about poor Lucky. :(

    Good for you for keeping your eyes on the blessings rather than the heartache. And happy anniversary!

  • At 12:18 PM, Blogger Kate North said…

    Sorry to hear about your kitty. The string quilt will be really pretty - I'm sure the woman you intend it for will love it.


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