Froggy Girl Designs

A glimpse into my daily life of crafting, frugal living, and being a mom!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A great start to 2008

Share your chips daddy!

That's what we've had so far! Woke up to a light dusting of snow which is still falling. I love snow in theory, hate it in actuality (as in going outside in it!). My oldest two sons are with their dad, and the youngest two let Bobby and I sleep in for once. It's one of those lazy days of getting to do not much but clean up from last night and sew. Late last night, I not only met my 2007 sales goal, but I exceeded it! I am STILL on cloud 9 on that one. In the 3 months I've been using my etsy store, I've sold 31 items. No, it's not a ton, but it's wonderful!!! I have so many goals on that aspect of my life for this year that I've made a list and am checking it twice.
I so hope that 2008 hold great things in store for everyone! Do you have your goals in mind for your life this year? I'd love to hear what they are!


  • At 12:38 AM, Blogger Noodle said…

    Aaaah, they're so cute together! Lawzy day. Is that little Wyatt a clone or what? LOL!


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